Sunday, May 29, 2011

Battling to win despite illness

Today I had hoped to have posted some links for you as well as begun showing the steps I have taken so far on my journey to independence....

However, I have been pushing myself beyond my what my body can do, and now it is rebelling.  Even just sitting here on the computer causes me problems. 

So it will have to wait till another day.  While I pray that I can gather enough strength and well being to make the four appointments  (no 5!) I have this coming week.   Then I promise my body a minimum of four days off!  To do nothing....

It whispers *Liar* because it knows I keep pushing myself... I WANT this so badly, but I must pace myself.  Sigh....

Friday, May 27, 2011

A New Beginning

Spring has finally come to my life as well as where I live here in the frozen north.  
After a long harsh winter for both, warmth and new life has begun. 

For myself, I have begun a journey in self rediscovery and self sufficiency.  
First though, a little about myself....

I am a 52 yo (soon to be 53!) disabled Pagan woman living in Grand Forks, ND with my significant other and my two feline kids.  I am from Texas (WONDERFUL STATE!), grew up on Galveston Island, then moved to the woods with my son, and have been here in ND for a little over 8 yrs.   I am a retired RN, blew my knees at in my mid-30's and was not allowed to have knee replacement surgery because  I was "too young" . So I was sentenced to life in a wheelchair from then on.   My life has been full of ups and downs, huge ones both ways, quite the roller coaster ride! 

I am tired of having to rely on others and the government for most things in my life.  I have from a young age sought independence and now I am determined to have it once again! 

So this blog will be about that journey,and  my faith in a positive out come despite my day to day challenges. 

My next post will start outlining what steps I am taking to gain self sufficiency and independence.